AN ISO : 9001 : 2015 Certified Company

APP Modified Glass Fiber Reinforced
Bituminous Membrane

Thickness: 1 MM, 1.5 MM, 2 MM, 3 MM, 4 MM

Swastik Bitumen Shield is a APP Modified glassfiber reinforced bituminous Membrane sheet for excellent waterproofing application. It exhibits superior tensile strength, tear strength, puncture resistance and dimensional stability. The torch side of the membrane is covered with polyethylene film for protection of the membrane. Polyethylene Film on top and bottom side of sheet


Can Apply Swastik Bitumen Shield APP Membrane in horizontal and vertical applications for protection of various substrates like concrete, masonry, GI, aluminum, wood etc. in wide range of uses:

      - Bridges & Tunnels
      - Swimming Pools
      - Roof Gardens
      - Basement Slabs & UG car parking
      - Medium to large roof slabs in domestic, commercial and industrial construction etc


      - High tensile strength, tear and puncture resistance
      - High temperature resistance to cold and warm temperatures
      - Excellent Flexibility & water tightness
      - Durable in comparison to conventional low end waterproofing systems


Polyethylene protection film for protection, it consist of a center core of non woven Fiber glass mat for extra mechanical strength. The center core is protected on both sides with Polymeric Asphaltic mix, which has high penetration, high heat resistance and high softening point. With high tensile strength, the membrane is still extremely flexible and pliable to adapt to contours. For this reason this membrane makes an ideal waterproofer.

Sr. No. Properties Specification
1 Softening Point, ºC, Min 150
2 Penetration @ 25ºC, 100g, 5 sec, dmm 20-35
3 Reinforcement ( > 50 g/m2 ) Fibre Glass Mat
4 Pliability 2 º C to -5 º C Does Not Break
5 Water Absorption, % < 0.15
6 Tensile Strength
Lengthwise, N/5 cm
Crosswise, N/5 cm

> 350
> 300
7 Elongation
Lengthwise, %
Crosswise, %

> 20
> 20
8 Tear Strength
Lengthwise, N
Crosswise, N

> 60
> 80

All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control and different test methods Tolerance:-

Thickness: +/- 10%,

Longitudinal Tensile Strength: * 150 N/5cm

Transversal Tensile Strength: * 150 N/5cm


Application of Swastik Bitumen Shield APP Membrane is fast and easy. Smooth surface with minimum slope is required to apply the membrane. The surface is first cleaned to eliminate all sharp projections. Suitable Swastik OB Primer / Swastik Blown Bitumen is then coated on the surface. Swastik Bitumen Shield APP Membrane is to be unrolled over the surface with torch application (with overlaps of 10cm) and bonded to the substrate. The overlaps are to be sealed by flame torch. Special care is to be taken at singularities such as drains, expansion joints, etc.

Swastik Bitumen Shield APP Membrane can be topped with topping such as cement screed or tiles on accessible roofs with a chicken wire mesh reinforcement. Inaccessible roofs can be topped with a layer of Swastik Blown Bitumen and Aluminium Paint


      - Unroll the membrane and align with proper markings at all over area. Re-roll the roll into its original form so that alignment is not disturbed
      - Point the torch towards the primed surface and then on the membrane Torch till the compound reaches it softening points.
      The best visual to confirm this is when the embossing on the membrane starts to disappear. Roll the membrane forward while firmly pressing it to the substrate so the it bonds.
      - Keep overlap margin for minimum 100 mm between two adjoining membranes for end laps and a minimum of 50 mm for side laps.
      - Ensure that constant flow of bitumen is maintained across the whole width of the roll and that a bead of bitumen is extruded from all edge which demonstrates that a good seal has obtained.
      - The Bitumen membrane applied all over the terrace, must be finished with a coating of aluminum paint for non trafficable area. For foot trafficable area, overlay with concrete screed mortar.


      - Eye protection during application is recommended
      - May be harmful if swallowed. In case f ingestion seek immediate medical attention
      - Keep out of reach f children and away from eatables
      - Do not apply during rains or extreme temperatures
      - Store it in cool and dry place
      - The concrete surface should be leveled, tough and should not have hollow areas or pot holes
      - Check hollowness by hammering and repair such areas as well as pot holes
      - Surface should be free from loose dust, particles, oil etc
      - Apply Bitumen based primer as per recommended coverage and allow it to dry till tack free (about 7-8 hours)
      - Avoid mishandling which may lead to puncturing of membranes
      - Ensure that the product is applied at least 6 inches inside the drain pipe
      - Apply parapet to parapet to envelope the entire building for long term performance


      - 1mm (1 Meter x 20 Meter Roll)
      - 1.5 mm (1 Meter x 20 Meter Roll)
      - 2mm (1 Meter x 15 Meter Roll)
      - 3mm (1 Meter x 10 Meter Roll)
      - 4mm (1 Meter x 10 Meter Roll)

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